Documentary “Body World” wins!

We are delighted to announce that our documentary “Body World” has won the coveted “Best Documentary” award at the Golden Harvest Film Festival in Tokyo 2024.
The festival jury was impressed by our film, which highlights the fascinating exhibitions “Body Worlds” and Gunther von Hagens.

Directed by Jean Paul Saron, “Body World” offers a unique insight into the groundbreaking work of Gunther von Hagens, who has inspired more than 50 million people worldwide with his exhibitions.

Our film is based on an exclusive interview we conducted with Gunther von Hagens in 2002, which served as the basis for the documentary. In addition, scenes from various “Body Worlds” exhibitions as well as interviews with Gunther’s wife, Dr. Angelina Whalley, who is responsible for the design of the exhibitions as curator, and insights into the elaborate production of the plastinates at the Plastinationszentrum Guben, were integrated into the film. “Body World” not only raises questions about the meaning of existence and transience but also invites personal reflection and initiates a journey to oneself.

The Golden Harvest Film Festival is an initiative dedicated to promoting independent filmmakers and was launched in Tokyo in 2020 by the International Film Festival Community.

For more information about the film “Body World” and our work, please contact us directly.

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